domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


7 comentarios:

Ines dijo...

1. When and where was Stepenie Meyer born? Where did she grow up? She was born in December 24, 1973 in Hartford. In Phoenix, Arizona.

2. What is her real family name? How many brothers and sisters has she got ? Morgan. Five.

3. Which university did she graduate from? What did she study there?Brigham Young, in Provo; she studied English literature.

4.How many books are there in the Twilight series? When was the first book of the Twilight saga published in the US ? Four books, and a ampliation of bree tanner. In 2005.

5. When was the first film - Twilight - released on cinemas? when will be the third movie be released ? In April 2007. In February of 2009.

6. Name four of the main characters on the Twilight series and the actor/actress who play their roles on the movies. Bella->Kristen Stewart. Alice->Ashley Greene. Edward->Robert Pattinson. Jacob->Taylor Lautner

7.Appart from the Twilight saga, which other novel(s) has Stephenie Meyer written? The host, prom nights from hell, the short second life of bree tanner.

Ferran dijo...

1- Stephenie Meyer was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to Stephen and Candy Morgan. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona.
2- Morgan. Three brothers and two sisters.
3- Provo, Utah, where she received a B.A. in English in 1997.
4- Four.
In 2005.
5- In 2008
6-Edward-Robert Pattinson. Bella-Kristen Stewart. Jacob-Taylor Lautner. Alice-Ashley Greene.
7- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, The Host.

Unknown dijo...

1. When and where was Stepenie Meyer born? Where did she grow up?
Stephenie Meyer (born December 24, 1973) in Hartford.

2. What is her real family name? How many brothers and sisters has she got ?
Stephenie Morgan. She have two brothers and two sisters.

3. Which university did she graduate from? What did she study there?
Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She study english literature.

4.How many books are there in the Twilight series? When was the first book of the Twilight saga published in the US ?
Four books. In 2008
5. When was the first film - Twilight - released on cinemas? when will be the third movie be released ?
In April 2007. In February, 2009.
6. Name four of the main characters on the Twilight series and the actor/actress who play their roles on the movies.
Bella Swan - Kristen stewart.
Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson
Carlisle Cullen - Peter Facinelli
Jacob Black - Taylor Lautner.

7.Appart from the Twilight saga, which other novel(s) has Stephenie Meyer written?
The Host.

anna gascón dijo...

1. Stephenie Meyer born December 24, 1973 in Hartford.She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona.

2.Her real family name is Morgan. Has she got five siblings: Seth, Emily, Jacob, Paul, and Heidi.

3.She graduate in Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She studied mixed research.

4.There are four books. The book was published in the US is Twilight.

5.IT was relased in 2005. Eclipse was released on cinemas in june 30,2010.

6. Robert pattinson - Edward
Bella - Kristen Stewart
Jacob - Taylor lautner
Alice - Ashley Greene.

7.She was written the host and the short second life of Bree Tanner.

Anna Gascón, Gorka del Rio, Anna Cajaraville.

Chipi dijo...

When and where was Stephenie Meyer born? Where did she grow up?
Stephenie Meyer was born on December 24, 1973, in Hartford, Connecticut.
She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona.

What is her real family name? How many brothers and sisters has she got?
Her real family name is Morgan.
She has got five brothers and sisters.

Which university did she graduate from? What did she study there?
She graduated in Brigham Young University.
She studied English literature.

How many books are there in the Twilight series? When was the first book of the Twilight saga published in the US?
The Twilight saga has four books.
The first book was published in 2005.

When was the first film - Twilight - released on cinemas? When will be the third movie be released?
The first film was released on cinema in 2007.

Name four of the main characters on the Twilight series and the actor/actress who play their roles on the movies.
Bella Swan – Kirsten Stewart.
Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson.
Hasper Hale - Jackson Rathbone.
Alice Cullen - Ashley Greene.

Appart from the Twilight saga, which other novel(s) has Stephenie Meyer written?
Prom Nights from Hell.
The hoost.

Erika De los Reyes Coll.

Anónimo dijo...

1 Hatford 12-24-1973
2 Morgan. Three brothers and two sisters (all minors)
3 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. English literature
4 Four. in 2005
5 In 2008
6 K Stewart as Bella, R Pattinson as Edward Cullen, W Burke as Bella's dad & P Facinelli as Dr Cullen
7 The host, Little and brown company

Paaam! dijo...

1.She was born December 24, 1973 Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona.

2.Her real name is Stephenie Morgan. She has got 5 brothers and sisters.

3.She graduated in Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah .She studies English philology.

4.Twilight sagas has a 4 books. The first book was published on 2005.

5.The first film was released on April 2007.

6.Bella as Kirsten Stewart
Edward as Robert Pattinson
Esmen Cullen as Elizabeth Reaser
Carlisle Cullen as Peter Facinelli

7.Prom nights from hell.
The hoost.